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Crushed (Rushed #2) Page 7

  This was news to me. "Since when?"

  She bit her lip and gave me a pointed look. "Since you almost ran me over."

  "That's cruel."

  "That's true," she said. "Take heart—you were my last hookup." She smiled again. "It's time to stop screwing around and find a real relationship. Obviously, as my dad says, I need someone steady." She waited a beat. "You can run for the hills now."

  I stood my ground. "Why would I run?"

  "'Cause that's what hookup partners do." Maybe she was just being coy. If she was, it was working. "Anyway, I don't mean with you."

  "Thanks for that," I said. "I appreciate the concern."

  She laughed again. "You're welcome. FYI, it's never wise to hookup with old hookups."

  I sighed and shook my head. "You've been reading that fucking sorority advice website again. What's it called?" I tried to think of the name. "The one with great articles like 'Fifty reasons guys don't need blowjobs' and 'Ten ways girls with flat butts rule.'" I stared at her and tried to cover. "By the way, they're wrong."

  "Girls with flat butts don't rule?" She grinned.

  "Guys definitely need blowjobs."

  "Why Dak, you actually read." The flirt was back in her voice, like she was trying to defuse, too. "Your choice of reading material, though. Are you trying to get in touch with your feminine side?"

  "Just a confused guy trying to figure out the opposite sex."


  "Confused as ever."

  She studied me. "The day we figure each other out is the day the mystery of love dies." She shook her head. "If you really have read that article, then you know it's true. Guys don't need a blowjob to get them excited." She held my gaze, but her lips twitched like she was trying not to laugh. "I've never seen a limp dick."

  "That's purely anecdotal evidence. I've seen plenty of limp dicks."

  She held my gaze. "Prove it. Show me yours right now." She reached for my crotch.

  I arched away and grabbed her hand. "Come inside and I'd be happy to. Not out here. It's too cold. I don't want to risk shrinkage and have you get the wrong idea."

  "I've seen it all before. I know the size of your package."

  "Don't tell me you're not tempted."

  She just smiled. "Relationships only work when both parties know and respect the boundaries. We're sobriety buddies, Dak. I'm here for you, in a sobriety sort of way. I gotta go."

  "Damn. I was going to show you my new video game." I leered at her for effect.

  "I'm sure you were." She turned.

  I caught her arm. "I'll walk you home."


  At the sorority house, Seth and Dillon were spreading sand and de-icer on the front walkway.

  Dakota paused where the walkway to the sorority house met the sidewalk that ran along the street.

  "I think I can make it by myself from here." I shook my hand free from his as I caught a glimpse of Alexis in the front window. What was she—the house police?

  Dakota waved enthusiastically to her. I didn't know why I should have been jealous, but I was. Their relationship was off kilter and odd. After he'd caught her in bed with his best friend, how could they still be friends?

  He turned back to me. "Sure? It's slick. I don't mind."

  I nodded, suddenly possessive and reluctant to let him go. "Seth and Dillon will rush to my aid if I need them." Well, Seth might. Dillon would love to see me land on my butt. "Thanks."

  Before Dakota turned to leave, I kissed him. Lightly. A bare brush of my lips on his that rocked me all the way to my toes with the innocent pleasure of it. I didn't know why I did it. Sudden impulse, I guessed. To protect Dakota and show Alexis that he was over her.

  I turned before he could react, or I could see it. I was weak and liable to tumble into his bed again too easily. But I was through with my lusty-hookup phase and my-longing-for-a-guy-I-couldn't-have phase, and on a quest for true love. Yeah, that sounded sappy. But whatever. I slid up the walkway to the house, trying to mask my expression.

  Seth looked up from his work, catching me by the elbow as I wobbled near him. His eyes narrowed as he studied me. "A little early to be coming home, isn't it?"

  He was teasing, yet he sounded relieved. There was no love lost between him and Dakota. Seth was firmly in Zach's camp and not fond of frat boys in general.

  "On the contrary, it's a little slippery to be out." I winked at him, giving him the impression it was dicey being with Dakota. "And getting worse by the minute."

  I had to force myself not to turn and watch as Dakota walked away. I stretched out my hand for Seth to help me up the steps. "Have you de-iced these?"

  "First thing." He took my hand. "But it's a losing battle. At the risk of sounding like our dads, we've been warning the girls to stay in tonight."

  "That's a fool's errand."

  "Yeah, you're telling me." Seth held the door open for me.

  Inside, the house was warm and toasty and filled with two kinds of girls—those who weren't going to let a little freezing rain ruin their Saturday night, and those who valued their lives. The latter group being the smaller of the two.

  Alexis was sitting on the sofa in the living room with her arms crossed, glaring at me like I was public enemy number one. In her mind, I was. Never one to cower, and remembering the admonition to get along with her, I walked over and plunked myself next to her.

  "Lovely weather we're having." I made a point of evaluating her outfit. "Yogas and a sweatshirt. You'd better get dressed and join the partying marauding hordes before they've all departed. You don't want to miss all the best parties."

  Since Zach had gone home to recover, Alexis had been a regular bore. She never went out. I was poking at a raw wound and I knew it. But sometimes you had to do what you had to do. As her big, it was my duty to make sure she behaved like a proper Double Deltsie. She was only a few months into her freshman year. She needed to get out and live a little while she could. Before she became an upperclassman and the pressures of studies wore her down and took the sheen off her party edge.

  She gave me a pointed look. "Look who's talking."

  I flashed her the evil smile I was famous for, the one that put fear in the heart of every pledge. Sometimes being the wicked witch of the house was a power trip. "I've been out."

  If you're an upperclassman you really should master that stare for your own good. It's never wise to let freshman have the upper hand.

  "I noticed," she said. "Stay away from Dakota."

  "Are you offering me unfriendly advice?" I laughed. "Take it from me, I won't heed it. It's not in my nature. Not even if it was friendly advice. I'm odd like that. And as for Dakota, you forfeited any claim on him when you slept with Zach behind his back. You can't have them both. I should know." I laughed, unable to hold back my bitterness.

  Alexis' eyes snapped. She was supremely peeved. I recognized myself in them. I didn't like what I saw.

  "Dakota doesn't forgive girls who use him to get to Zach." I had firsthand experience there, too. I was curious about how he and Alexis could still pal around together. And suspicious. Something wasn't right about it.

  "I wasn't using him—" She stopped short. "Dakota and I are still friends."

  "Then that's something we have in common," I said. "He and I are friends, too."

  She shot me a look oozing with skepticism.

  Victoria and Kelly bounded down the focal staircase, laughing and joking. They were dressed in tight jeans and full makeup, obviously on their way somewhere. Vicki spotted us sitting on the sofa. Her face lit up.

  "Look at you two—big and little hanging out together. It warms my twin heart!" Vicki clutched her hands in front of her heart for emphasis in a corny gesture designed to make me gag, and flashed us a big smile.

  I knew that smile. She was warning me not to botch things. The standards board wasn't going to be appeased until I ate crow and made up with Alexis. If you can make up with someone you've never been close to in the first p

  "Awwww, that's sweet." Kelly, the house president, gave us a thumbs-up. "Are you two staying in?" Her gaze flitted over our outfits. "You should come with us. The Zeta Nus are having a freezing rain party."

  Kelly sounded so sweet and innocent. But she had to know I was on social probation. So was she dangling forbidden fruit in front of me on purpose.

  My heart pounded, but I smiled sweetly and nodded toward Alexis. "We're staying in. Having a girls' movie night together. A little big/little bonding. I'm going to shower her with popcorn and share my favorite Halloween movie with her, Van Helsing."

  I felt Alexis stiffen beside me, but I wasn't about to give her an out. She and I were going to bond, damn it. Not like I was terribly thrilled about it, either.

  "That's a cornball movie," Kelly said.

  "Hey!" I said. "Hugh Jackman looking hot and killing vampires." I gave her a look like, come on! "Do I insult your movies?"

  Kelly laughed. "Point taken."

  Victoria winked at me like she knew what was up. "Well, have fun, then."

  "Don't break your necks." I waved cheerily at them.

  "Thanks, Mom."

  Kelly and Victoria headed for the door. I felt the cold blast of air seconds after they opened it. But it was nothing compared to Alexis' frosty demeanor.

  Okay, I was the big. So I had to be the bigger person. There was sound logic in there somewhere. Plus I had the most to lose. "You and I got off on the wrong foot," I said. "How about we start over?"

  Alexis' eyes narrowed, full of distrust. But I had her right where I wanted her—trapped into accepting my overtures of big/little bonding. I was going to get out of this social probation mess and get back on track if it killed me. As much as Alexis and I disliked each other, that might very well be the case.

  "I'll get the popcorn and the movie. What do you want? Original or kettle corn?"

  Chapter Eight


  So the movie night was a huge success. I got points for being the bigger person and trying to make up with Alexis, as ordered. Even though the atmosphere between was thick with distrust, about like the relationship between the vampires and the vampire hunters in Van Helsing. I was Anna, the heroine. She was Aleera, out for my blood.

  A dozen other girls joined us. Drinking wasn't allowed in the house, certainly not in the common areas. So temptation, and suspicion, avoided.

  I slept in past ten on Sunday and woke thinking about Halloween and Halloweekend coming up next weekend. How was I going to deal with those? If I came up with a clever enough disguise, then maybe…

  And what about Dakota? Why did he keep invading my thoughts? And why did my heart race when I thought about him and a smile threaten to erupt? I knew the deal, just like I'd told him—hookups didn't make good serious boyfriends. But my heart refused to listen. The way my head and heart were playing ping-pong with my emotions and reason, I was beginning to think I was getting a crush on Dakota. Which was crazy, but the signs were certainly all there. He'd never been anything but second to Zach. Logic said I should stay away from him. But my heart wanted what it wanted. I resigned myself to being conflicted.

  I took Alexis to coffee, as I'd promised earlier, and spent the early afternoon expecting a text from Dakota. And Facebook stalking him. Nothing. Screw him.

  Around two, I was in the middle of reading for English Lit when my phone rang. When I read, I get so absorbed that I close the world out. The phone startled me. I grabbed it and glanced at the screen. Dakota was calling. Not texting, calling. My fingers trembled as I answered.

  "Halloweekend," he said.

  "Halloweekend to you, too," I said. "But 'hallo' would have done."

  His answering laugh sounded richer and deeper than it had before. And made me smile. I was letting myself get in too deep.

  "No, this is serious shit," he said. "On Halloweekend, the booze will flow like water. Temptation will abound."

  "Abound?" I smiled.

  "Thrive. Sobriety buddy, this is our holiday to stick together. Morgan, I need you more than ever."

  Did his voice just crack? Or was that laughter? It didn't matter, because my heart had started dancing.

  I goaded him. "I didn't know you needed me at all."

  "Of course I need you! I need you desperately."

  "Only desperately?"


  "That's better. I like tragically. It has a nice ring to it." I couldn't wipe the stupid grin off my face. Involuntary smiling. I was in trouble. "What were we talking about again?"

  "Partying. An epic, once-in-a-college-years Saturday Halloweekend that we can't miss."

  "No need to miss it. Just stay at the frat and hand candy out to children," I said in my most helpful tone.

  "Funny, Morgs! As if parents are going to trust us to provide wholesome treats to their babies."

  "You mean non-alcoholic, non-spiked treats," I said.

  "Yeah, that too."

  "No problem. You'll have a steady stream of sorority girls drop by for trick or treats. You always do. They expect alcoholic goodies. I'm sure you can find one you can trick into showing her treats to you." I sounded pert and teasing. But I was holding back a wave of jealousy at the thought. I had to beat this craziness.

  "You'd think," he said. "But they'll all be expecting a drinking party animal. I have a rep, you know. It's not fun being the only sober guy in the house. Nothing's as funny as everyone else thinks it is. And you get tired of holding girls' hair back as they puke."

  "Nice. You make a good point."

  "Damn right I do. And what kind of a sobriety bud would I be if I left you out of the action, alone, fending for yourself against nearly insurmountable odds?"

  "You're laying it on a bit thick," I said.

  "I'm making a point. I have as much duty to you as you do to me. Because you're banned from any Greek parties—"

  "Not if I go in disguise." It was a relief to be able to be honest with someone.

  "Shit, Morgan. That's a bad plan." There was real worry in his voice.

  It was sweet, and I liked it. "Why? Everyone will be dressed up. I was thinking of going as a one-night stand." I didn't know why I threw that barb out there. Sometimes my evil nature would not be quashed. Dressing like a nightstand was no big deal.

  "Having a lampshade on your head would be appropriate for a convicted MIC like you."

  I sighed. "I set myself up for that one. But seriously, I'm going to wear a mask—"

  "And disguise your voice? Change your personality?" He sighed. I pictured him shaking his head. "Your standards board will have spies everywhere."

  "Victoria is my twin. She'll look the other way."

  "And Brenda?"

  "How do you know about her?" I asked.

  "It's my business to know things," he said. "The girl's hot for my bod."

  "Egomaniac," I said. But he was spot-on.

  "I can see I'm going to have to save you from yourself. I have a better idea. Much better. Wait for it." He paused a beat while I shook my head. "You and me in matching Halloween costumes. We won't even need masks if we don't want them."

  My pulse raced as I got irrationally hopeful about a plan that included me and got me out of the house on Halloweekend and into the party scene. With Dakota. Wearing matching outfits, like a couple. "What's your idea?"

  "Party refs," he said.

  "Party refs?" I frowned.

  "We dress as party refs and crash the Geed parties at the apartments."

  "I don't know—"

  "It's perfect, Morgan. You and me dressed in referee costumes showing up as a team of party refs, going to all the parties and calling the shots. Literally if we want to."

  "Will we have whistles?"

  "Whistles. Hats. Whatever you want, babe."

  Babe? I let it slide.

  "You can't refuse. As your sobriety buddy, I insist on this brilliant plan. The roads are clear. The ice has melted. I'll be over in fifteen to pick you up. We're going c
ostume shopping before all the good stuff is sold out."

  "You're picking me up? On what? Your bike? How cute." I shook my head, but I was smiling.

  "We're walking."

  I cursed beneath my breath.

  "I heard that. When did you become such a lazy ass? Walking's good for us. We're going to be in damn fine, hot shape by the end of this probationary period."

  "Bring your bus pass," I said.


  When Morgan came out of the dressing room to model the sexy ref costume, my mouth went dry. Her short shorts were tight. A glittery silver belt was slung over her hips. And her breasts were pushed up and spilling out of her striped, form-fitting black and white tank top. I had a hard time not staring. I had a hard time all around.

  "Well?" She turned her back to me and looked over her shoulder at me with a coy look.

  The short shorts rode up in the back, revealing perfect, grab-able butt cheeks. The girl was hot. I was playing with fire.

  "What do you think?"

  What I thought was X-rated. "You need a whistle and a pair of striped athletic socks. I have a pair you can borrow." I was standing there in black pants and your standard referee shirt. "And some smoking heels."

  She spun around to face me. "I have a pair of black high-heel boots that will be perfect. They're cute. From the front, they almost look like hiking boots or maybe black tennis shoes. From the back, you see the heel. They're awesome." Her gaze ran over me, like she was inspecting me.

  Before I could move, she stepped forward and ran her hands over my shoulders, smoothing my shirt. "There. You had a wrinkle."

  I had more than a wrinkle. I was completely creased. Morgan was going to be my undoing. We stood almost breast to chest, just inches away. Her shirt zipped up the front. On impulse, I grabbed the zipper and pulled it down a few inches, letting her breasts spill out farther. "Too modest."

  She held her ground and smiled up at me provocatively. "Are we done here?"

  "Yeah. Go change." I could have stared at her all day. "We'll stop by the sporting goods store for a whistle. If you're good, I'll take you to the candy store after."