Loves Billionaires and Corgis: A Feel Good Romance Read online

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  I held on as the pleasure built, moving in rhythm with Dex and the universe. As the tightness grew inside me, I clenched Dex and squeezed his dick inside me. I wanted to hold on to him forever, for what I felt to be eternal, like the stars. Fly with him into the dark skies beyond the pool's infinity edge.

  He thrust more rapidly, pushing me toward the edge. I didn't want to go. I didn't want this moment to end. As tightly as I clutched at the moment, I couldn't hold on. The waves of pleasure began to crash over me. "Marco."

  He groaned.

  "Marco. Marco. Marco." I gasped and dug my fingers into his back, clutching the moment and him. I climaxed, staring into the great wonder of the heavens.

  Dex let out a great grunt. "Polo." He exploded inside me and collapsed with his head against my shoulder. "Damn it, Shelby. You play a mean game."

  I relaxed and rested my head against the side of the pool, staring up at the stars. "But we found each other. That's all that matters."

  We clung to each other, marveling at all the cosmic experiences in silence.

  Finally, Dex let me go and fell in alongside me on the pool wall.

  I clung to the pool wall, arms over the edge. I let my feet and legs float up and softly paddled, looking out over the stars and the pool as it melted into the sky. Behind us, the lodge was dark and quiet.

  "It looks like we could swim into the heavens," I said. "So many stars. What's at the edge of the pool? What's the view like there?"

  "It's easy enough to find out." Dex pushed off the wall and swam toward the infinity edge of the pool.

  I followed him into the illusion of swimming off the edge. But, of course, we hit a wall. I leaned up against it, looking out over the tops of trees and the steep bank and hillside. The view…the view was breathtaking, but there really weren't words. Even clinging to the side of the pool didn't shatter the illusion of being part of the sky and heavens.

  "In August," Dex said, "this is the absolute best place to watch the Perseid meteor shower. No light pollution. An unobstructed view of the sky. It's an almost spiritual experience. You feel very small, in comparison to the heavens. And yet part of something bigger than yourself."

  He pointed. "There. See the Big Dipper? Follow the star at the end of the handle, through a line in Polaris to the distinctive W-shape of Cassiopeia, then down to the bright yellow star. That's Mirfak, the center star of the Perseus Constellation."

  "Perseus, the hero of Greek mythology. Slayer of Medusa. Put in the sky by the gods to honor his heroism."

  "Lazer throws a meteor shower watching party every year. I'll see if I can wrangle you an invitation this year." He kissed my shoulder.

  "Do. I'd like that." I squeezed his hand. "Maybe by then we'll have vanquished my foe."

  "And earned a spot in the sky? Count on it. The vanquishing, at least."

  I inhaled deeply. "It's beautiful here. Everything smells fresh and good."

  "I agree—everything's beautiful here." Dex was staring at me.

  Feeling small beneath the immenseness of the stars was the time to feel philosophical. "Do you think we were destined to meet?"

  I didn't know whether I was testing him or not, hinting that we'd met twice now, both times because of Bella. Twice under unusual circumstances. Twice when I thought I'd lost him forever the first time.

  "Do you mean do I believe in fate?" He kissed my neck. "It can't be empirically tested. The scientist in me should say no. But I can't help feeling there's something to it."

  "Hmm." I was feeling bold. Maybe this was my chance. "Do you ever feel like we've met before?"

  So maybe I was hedging my bets. I was definitely feeling him out, hoping he'd give me an in to confess that he'd been my hero before. Or an out to let it lie, a lie of omission forever.

  "No." He pulled me close. "I'd never forget meeting you. Never."

  "And if I insisted we had?"

  He looked at me with a bemused expression. "You're toying with me. Playing what-ifs and hypotheticals. I wouldn't believe you. Shelby, when I first saw you at Puppy Love, I felt like I'd been sucker-punched."

  "That's flattering—"

  "Sucker-punched by love, by Cupid. Like, where have you been all my life? I'll never forget that feeling. I would never forget that feeling. Or the moment. What you wore. How you looked—"

  "Well, your dog was humping my leg," I said with a grin. "That's pretty memorable."

  "That's not what stands out in my mind—"

  "Every guy loves a damsel in distress," I said. "All the dogs were barking. You calmed them. You played hero." I took a deep breath, building courage. "You'd never forget? Even if our first meeting had been as casual as bumping into a stranger at a bus stop?"

  "I don't ride the bus."

  "Or a glance between strangers in a grocery store line?"

  "Not even then. I would have spoken to you. Found a way to make a connection. Cut in line if I had to." He kissed me.

  It was supposed to reassure me, but it only made things more difficult. If he was so convinced, how could I ever tell him the truth of how we first met? If he insisted that he would refuse to believe me if I did? I'd only make a fool out of him by trying.

  I kissed him back, deciding not to kill the moment with a confession just then. Instead, I broke away, pushed off the pool edge, and floated on my back, staring at the stars, my breasts peaked and white above the water in the moonlight.

  Dex pushed off and dog-paddled next to me. "Damn it, Shelby. Are you trying to entice me into another game of Marco Polo?"

  I did a frog kick. "Marco."

  Chapter Fourteen


  Shelby (Secret keeper. Woman vanquished by love. Wonderer of—will he lose his desire for me if he ever learns the full story? But how could he?)

  Getting out of a pool and into a dress, soaking wet, would not have been an easy task. Fortunately, the pool house, full of towels and lovely plush robes, was conveniently unlocked. When we were sated with enough Marco Polo for one night, Dex jumped out of the pool and streaked, deliciously naked, to the pool house while I waited in the water at pool's edge. He returned, clad in a thick terry robe, with one over his arm for me.

  "The air's cold, but I got you, my darling mermaid." He held the robe open for me.

  I covered my breasts with my arms and dashed through the chilled air into his. He wrapped me in the robe, holding me tight in his arms.

  "Do you think anyone saw us?" I whispered.

  He led me toward the lodge. "Do you think Lazer's staff would be anything but discreet if they did? Or that his pool isn't designed for privacy and romance? And his staff instructed to give that privacy?"

  Inside the lodge, a fire was lit in the great room stone fireplace. A table was set with late-night refreshments—the fixings for s'mores, spears for roasting marshmallows over the fire, cocoa mix, a carafe of hot water, and one of coffee, presumably, and an assortment of tiny bottles of rum, whiskey, and vodka in case someone wanted to spike their coffee or cocoa. A silver bell sat next to them.

  Dex looked at me. "Save the hot chocolate for tomorrow night?"

  I nodded.

  Dex led me through to a hallway and down a corridor. We eventually ended our journey at a lavish bedroom, complete with a fireplace and bearskin rug that looked perfect for a round of lovemaking—once I recovered enough strength to try it again.

  My suitcase and backpack were neatly placed and my clothes hung in the closet. A fire crackled in the fireplace. Even summer nights got cool at this elevation. Outside, the trees whispered. A small round table was set with a bottle of wine cooling and an assortment of chocolates.

  The bed had been turned down. A short silk nightgown and matching robe lay at the foot of it.

  As my gaze landed on it, Dex said, "Nightgowns are optional."

  "It's gorgeous." I ignored the nightgown, dropped my thick robe, and fell into bed.

  Dex dropped his robe, climbed in next to me, and pulled the sheet and plush blank
ets up. He held me close. We cuddled together, wrapped in each other's arms.

  I was so warm and sleepy and comfortable. My eyes felt heavy…

  Dex (The spy.)

  Falling asleep with Shelby last night, I was riding a high. We were good.

  I woke early, leaving Shelby asleep in the bed. I knew as well as anyone that the fresh air and cool mornings here were conducive to sleeping in. It wasn't uncommon for those of us who usually got up before the sun to sleep until noon.

  I grabbed a cup of coffee and my laptop and went out on the balcony to think and plan while Shelby slept.

  I had a message, a first report, from Justin.

  That was fast, I thought, impressed with Justin's sleuthing ability. I shouldn't have been. Justin had mad hacker and computer skills. He knew his way around anything technical. There was the time we'd developed that facial-recognition software together, way before the common use…

  I read Justin's note first.

  My memory was correct. I reviewed that security camera footage from the casino two years ago when that guy assaulted you. Shoved you over into the slot machine stool, causing your memory loss. I had kept it just in case we'd ever need it. I never imagined this scenario.

  Remember how frustrated we were at the time? The image was grainy. We had no name for the guy. No real clear shot of his face. Not enough to feed to our facial recognizer. We couldn't get the guy.

  Fast-forward to today. Take look at the attached clip. I've enhanced it and compared it to publicity and social media shots of Jesse Parker from various angles. Working off a starting point—his name and face—our software indicates a match, at least for the portion of face available. Add that to my memory, the fact that he was in Vegas at the same time, and that he matches the general body build and physical description of your assailant, and we have a case. He's our guy.

  I consulted one of my lawyers and a prosecutor I know. Simple assault, which it looks like this falls under, has a statute of limitations of two years. Which we're just past. That doesn't rule out a civil case.

  It's something to use, anyway, to get this guy to go away. Assuming you want to use it that way. Which means, if you do, I'll have to come clean to Kay.

  Given this information, Dick is working on tracking down Jesse's actions while he was in Vegas, seeing if he can dig anything else up. For example, witnesses. And any information on who that runaway bride was. See if there's anything she can add that will help us.

  More to come when I have it. Dick works fast.


  I took a deep breath and watched the clip of the casino surveillance video. This was nothing new. I'd seen it many times before. There was no sound. Nothing to verify what my assailant said to me or whether I'd provoked him in any way. I'd watched it too many times, trying to jog my memory.

  This time was different. Justin had overlaid the facial-recognition metrics, and I had Jesse himself to compare it to. There was no doubt in my mind. This was Jesse Parker.

  I hadn't decided whether I should use this new information or hang on to it. An ace up my sleeve. I was playing a game of chess here. A long game.

  I knew something Justin didn't—that Shelby was the runaway bride. Justin probably suspected the same. It wouldn't take him long to find out.

  With a word, I could stop Dick Spize from following through and finding out Shelby's identity. But whatever he found could help us. If he could turn up something unflattering… That Jesse had somehow coerced Shelby, for example.

  Or, conversely, proof that Jesse had given Bella to Shelby. That would render his threats useless. I weighed the options and decided to see what Dick could find out.

  I emailed Justin a few additional instructions, debating with myself whether I should tell him that Shelby was the runaway bride. I could trust Justin. But would Shelby? I couldn't tell him without her permission. I'd promised not to tell another soul her secret. Even though it would be out soon enough, as soon as the next season of Gold Digger aired. Unless I could find a way to stop it.

  The glass door to the balcony slid open. "Dex?"

  I slammed my laptop closed. "Morning, beautiful."

  "You mean sleepyhead." She took the chair next to me, looking adorable in her plush robe. "It's gorgeous out here. I can't get over how fresh the air is. It's invigorating." She gave me a sensual smile. "What's the plan for the day, cruise director?"

  I took her hand and kissed it. "Breakfast and then a refreshing hike to a lookout point up the mountain."

  "Breakfast, huh? Is there room service?"

  "There's anything you want here. But I was thinking breakfast here in the room first. Followed by breakfast downstairs, if you know what I mean." I flashed her a lecherous look.

  She took my hand and led me into the bedroom. "I know exactly what you mean."


  Breakfast had been a feast. Both breakfasts. After our "second breakfast," we headed out for the hike Dex had promised, loaded with a backpack picnic. Which Dex packed. I had a small, lightweight backpack of my own.

  On a whim, and maybe as part of a subconscious death-of-relationship wish, I had packed my "bitch" hat along for the weekend. I stuffed it into my backpack before heading out.

  It was a blingy hot-pink baseball cap with "bitch" written on it in white rhinestones. Dex had bought it for me as part of the disguise he bought me to escape when I was running away from my wedding with Jesse. And I guess if you get technical about it, I was running away from my wedding planning. The actual wedding still hadn't been booked. Maybe there was a chance I could claim I still wasn't a runaway bride. But that chance relied pretty heavily on rationalization.

  I had kept the hat hidden in my closet since. First, as a happy souvenir and reminder of the great guy who'd helped me escape Jesse and a disastrous wedding. And since meeting Dex again, and even after discovering he didn't remember me, way in the back of the closet so he'd never see it.

  Now I wasn't sure of my motivation. Was I testing him? Trying to jog his memory? See how far I could go so that he would remember something, anything, and I could come clean with him about his role in my Jesse affair?

  The hike was invigorating, but the air was thin at this elevation. I was in shape, but even so, I had to stop frequently to catch my breath, couching them as taking in the view.

  Dex seemed impervious to the lack of oxygen. "I'm acclimated. I hike up here regularly."

  But he was kind enough to slow down and stop for the view when I needed to catch my breath. The journey was the thing, though. And the joy of being together. For the moment, I reveled in the happiness of being with him.

  The trail was clear of brush and well maintained. Dex led the way up the steep climb as it switchbacked up the mountain. Out in the fresh air and unspoiled nature, there was no need for talking. Our communication became our mutual appreciation of nature. The breathtaking view and pointing out the wildlife we saw occasionally deserved an actual verbal comment.

  When we finally reached our destination, I was surprised. We stepped into an area that looked like it could have been a fairy glen. A romantic picnic spot perched on a rock ledge with an even better view than the lodge. Moss, green and soft, provided a carpet beneath the table. Vines grew up its legs. Mountain wildflowers bloomed in the surrounding woods. A vase of fresh flowers sat on the table, which was set for two. A large metal bucket full of ice and beverages sat in the shade of a tree.

  "All right—what fairy servant had to hike up here and set this up for us before dawn? He deserves a big tip."

  Dex grinned. "Already taken care of. They are well provided for, believe me. And fought for the job. Getting paid for a sunrise hike? Come on, that's a plum assignment."

  "So you say." I took a seat at the table.

  "So I know." Dex set the backpack down and began unpacking.

  Now that we were out of the trees, the sun was bright in my eyes. Heart thumping, I casually took the baseball cap out and put it on. "So you had to pack our lun
ch in…why?" I asked, laughing.

  Dex began setting out an impressive assortment of containers of food. Who knew the backpack could hold so much?

  "So I could look like a he-man and impress you with my mountaineering skills. This food ain't light, lady." He made a muscle to impress me, meeting my eye.

  "I see."

  He frowned, just slightly, as he caught sight of my cap. "That's some hat. Bitch? Is there a story behind that?"

  Damn. If this was a memory test, he'd failed. Or passed, depending on how I wanted to look at it. He wasn't faking memory loss. He clearly didn't remember the hat and, judging by his expression, wasn't fond of it. Had the bump on the head or the situation changed the humor he saw in it?

  "There is," I said casually. "I got it when I got Bella. As part of a disguise when I was running from my wedding to Jesse. It definitely refers to Bella. But I think it describes me, at that moment, too."

  "Why did you keep it? Why bring it?"

  I shrugged. "To remind myself. To remind you who I am. Who, exactly, you're in a fake relationship with—a woman who doesn't commit well. It's an excellent hat—for keeping the sun out of my eyes."

  I began opening the containers and setting them out. Sandwiches, fresh bread, marinated olives, fresh fruit… It was a lunch fit for a royal couple.

  I was starved. Everything looked good—

  Dex grabbed my hand. "Shelby, don't apologize for who you are or what your issues are. I know you're not big on commitment." He grinned wryly. "I'm in no hurry. This relationship has no strings attached. I asked you to be my fake girlfriend. We can stay 'fake' for as long as we like."

  I took his face in my hands and looked into his eyes, my heart breaking. I kissed him lightly. He was being so sweet and understanding. How could I tell him that reality was threatening to crash in no matter what I wanted? That I had to tell him the whole truth if we were to move forward?

  "Sometimes I really am a bitch," I said, hoping he understood.


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